Field Studies generally consist of a blend of Day and Overnight Trips, to a variety of locations within driving distance of Vancouver.​

  • Day Trips: Focus on integrating the instruction of academics and essential outdoor skills. The essential outdoor skills learned at TREK enable students to engage in outdoor activities safely and successfully while at TREK and beyond. ​

  • Overnights: There are usually 4 overnight trips, spread out over the year to allow students to gain skills in outdoor activities, wilderness travel and camping in all seasons. We generally have a fall, winter and two spring trips that range in length from 2-7 days. Example trips include:​

  • Land-Based Multi-day Trips: Backpacking, Cycle Touring, Overnight Solo

  • Water-Based Multi-day Trips: Ocean Kayaking or Canoeing​

  • Winter Multi-day Trips: Winter Camping and Lodge Based